A funny game to make sure that the time your baby spends on tummy is happy and positive. In the end you will get baby’s very first painting as a present.
At Home activity, Less than 5 minutes. Suitable from 3 months to 8 months old. Best with just a single child, Parent participation not necesary.

The activities for babies and toddlers encourage creative thinking and problem-solving. They help develop a young child’s fine motor skills, hand dexterity and co-ordination.
At Home activity, 5 to 15 minutes. Suitable from 6 months to two years old. Best with just a single child, Parent participation not necesary.

Your 3 month old is growing and becoming more aware every day. Here are a few things that you may see your 3 month old do.
At Home activity, Less than 5 minutes. Suitable from 3 months to 6 months old. Best with just a single child, Parent participation required.

These fun and simple baby games happen in the highchair, which help you while you are busy and want to keep the baby next to you safely.
At Home activity, Less than 5 minutes. Suitable from 8 months to 18 months old. Best with just a single child, Parent participation not necesary.

These practical life exercises are to help the child develop motor coordination and control and to be able to help with household chores.
At Home activity, 5 to 15 minutes. Suitable from 18 months to six years old. Best with just a single child, Parent participation not necesary.

A multi-sensory approach to learning with this jump and learn game! Teach letters, numbers, shapes, colors, or spelling words with this whole body learning activity.
At Home activity, 5 to 15 minutes. Suitable from 22 months to three years old. Best with just a single child, Parent participation not necesary.

Sensory matching game with different fragrances using cotton infused with essential oils, vanilla and lemon extracts inside saltshakers.
At Home activity, Less than 5 minutes. Suitable from one year to four years old. Best with just a single child, Parent participation not necesary.

This video shows the crucial development of the feet and joints into the core of the body that enables a baby to find BALANCE, and a sense of CENTER to find its way to safe vertical sitting without compromising the developing spinal curves or leading into scoliosis.
Indoor activity, Less than 5 minutes. Suitable from 6 months to 18 months old. Best with just a single child, Parent participation required.

A simple activity, but kids can spend long time on it. It provides hours of quiet learning for children also long quiet time for parents.
At Home activity, 15 to 30 minutes. Suitable from two years to six years old. Good with either one or two kids, Parent participation not necesary.

Lifestyle expert Tanya Memme shows how to make sensory activities for toddlers. Tanya’s crafts are not only simple, but they are also a great way to inspire your child’s mind and imagination.
At Home or In the Garden activity, 15 to 30 minutes. Suitable from one year to three years old. Good with either one or two kids, Parent participation required.

Sorting is an amazing activity that you can do anywhere. Let’s get start with the easy color sorting game as the first sorting lesson!
At Home activity, Less than 5 minutes. Suitable from one year to three years old. Good with either one or two kids, Parent participation not necesary.

Planning a summer garden can be enjoyable and special for kids. It is also practical life skills that a child can learn that include caring for the plants and preparing the soil for planting.
In the Garden activity, 30 to 60 minutes. Suitable from two years to six years old. Best with just a single child, Parent participation required.

Do you know if your child has poor core strength? Do you know how to improve it? Here is the testing and improving methods.
At Home activity, 5 to 15 minutes. Suitable from three years and above. Best with just a single child, Parent participation not necesary.

Little kids love cutting out hearts. But sometimes they do get frustrated. Using simple template to encourage them to motivate kids practicing scissor skills.
At Home activity, 5 to 15 minutes. Suitable from 16 months to three years old. Good with either one or two kids, Parent participation required.

This leap frog game is the perfect way to exercise growing muscle and will also help your child learn her numbers. Balance and coordination will be put to the test as she makes her way from number to number.
Indoor activity, 15 to 30 minutes. Suitable from two years to five years old. Best with just a single child, Parent participation required.

In this article you will find that we can use scrabble tiles not only for learning letter, but also great for fine motor development, practicing number count, sorting and more…
At Home activity, 5 to 15 minutes. Suitable from one year to six years old. Good with either one or two kids, Parent participation required.

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. It requires recognizing different emotions, knowing what that emotion feels like and then understanding when someone else is feeling that same way. What a complex skill!
Anywhere activity, More than 2 hours. Suitable from birth and above. Best with just a single child, Parent participation required.