Today we are going to help you to understand what a developmental delay is, how to detect if your child has one, and when you should worry about it. What Is a Developmental Delay? Do you suspect that your baby or toddler might have a developmental dela …

This video shows the crucial development of the feet and joints into the core of the body that enables a baby to find BALANCE, and a sense of CENTER to find its way to safe vertical sitting without compromising the developing spinal curves or leading into scoliosis.
Indoor activity, Less than 5 minutes. Suitable from 6 months to 18 months old. Best with just a single child, Parent participation required.

Learn why you should focus on your Toddler’s Balance and Posture, and get powerful activities that could help prevent a lifetime of muscular agony. Balancing isn’t as easy as it looks! Let us walk you through the information and milestones you need to …