Here at ADAM & Mila we are all about helping you to learn more about how young children develop.
Below you will find a selection of in depth articles about all aspects of healthy growth and development in early childhood.
You may also refer to our guides on Baby and Toddler Developmental Milestones.

Sleep is good for us. We’ve always known that. Just how good however, is something we’re only starting to fathom thanks to recent advances in medical science. Each passing day seems to reveal the findings of a new study. Almost without fail the advice …

Today we are going to help you to understand what a developmental delay is, how to detect if your child has one, and when you should worry about it. What Is a Developmental Delay? Do you suspect that your baby or toddler might have a developmental dela …

Developing language skills is of absolute importance for young children’s success later in life both as social beings and in pursuing an education. What is language? I bet you feel no doubt when asked what the word Language means. Yet most people strug …

Your baby’s first brain cells start to form at about seven weeks into the pregnancy, by the time your baby is born the brain will have reached 25% the size of an adult brain and by the time your child is 3 years old his or her brain will be 80% done ge …

Early childhood is a time of great learning. It is also a time when learning is fun and effortless. The beauty of these early years is that this learning happens purely through play. Babies spend all their time exploring their environment and watching …